1 Buck  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 12:30:07pm

Although everyone is not fixated on him and him alone, everyone at media matters IS employed to attack him (and anyone else on the right). Their reason for being is to bring down FOX News. They are not balanced or unbiased in anyway. It is actually in their "about us".

2 Tigger2  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 12:31:16pm

Becks always freaks out about the truth.

3 Tigger2  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 12:32:56pm

re: #2 Tigger2
He does lie.

4 webevintage  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 1:06:21pm

re: #1 Buck

Although everyone is not fixated on him and him alone, everyone at media matters IS employed to attack him (and anyone else on the right). Their reason for being is to bring down FOX News. They are not balanced or unbiased in anyway. It is actually in their "about us".

BUT they only exist because FOX and their paid talent lie SO MUCH every fucking day. If FOX actually operated in reality and facts then there would be no need for Media Matters to point out their incessant lies and bullshit.

5 Mickey_being_mickey  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 1:09:52pm

re: #4 webevintage

Are you saying Beck is a False Profit?

6 Locker  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 1:23:28pm

re: #1 Buck

Although everyone is not fixated on him and him alone, everyone at media matters IS employed to attack him (and anyone else on the right). Their reason for being is to bring down FOX News. They are not balanced or unbiased in anyway. It is actually in their "about us".

They are not hired to attack everyone on the right you fucking buckethead.

Media Matters for America is a Web-based, not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) progressive research and information center dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media.

Tell your conservative buddies to stop pumping out the mis-information and then they won't have to cry about being "attacked" by quote of their own freaking words.

7 iceweasel  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 1:26:24pm
Beck seriously thinks that everyone employed by Media Matters is only there to counter his lies? He is mentally ill isn't he?

I do think Beck is mentally ill. Remember that youtube video from his hospital bed after an operation? I think Fox news is using someone sick to spread their sick agenda.

8 Mickey_being_mickey  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 1:37:06pm

re: #7 iceweasel

That was classic.

But thing beats the all time winner...Get off my phone!!!11!1

9 Mickey_being_mickey  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 1:41:20pm

re: #8 Mickey_being_mickey

Nothing beats,blah

10 iceweasel  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 1:44:35pm

re: #8 Mickey_being_mickey

WOW. Jimmah and I are agog.

This is why Glenn Beck will always be...the face of massive butthurt:

11 Buck  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 1:53:35pm

re: #6 Locker

They are not hired to attack everyone on the right you fucking buckethead.

Tell your conservative buddies to stop pumping out the mis-information and then they won't have to cry about being "attacked" by quote of their own freaking words.

It is funny, but when O'Keefe says he is using the persons own words, you are the first to shout "Edited video", and "Biased".

MM actually does that everyday. Editing and quoting out of context the "persons own words".

The only difference is that you give the NPR guy, or the ACORN person the benefit of the doubt.

12 Kronocide  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 2:16:48pm

re: #11 Buck

It is funny, but when O'Keefe says he is using the persons own words, you are the first to shout "Edited video", and "Biased".

MM actually does that everyday. Editing and quoting out of context the "persons own words".

The only difference is that you give the NPR guy, or the ACORN person the benefit of the doubt.

Equivalence between O'Keefe and MM is digging a deeper hole. MM does not misquote out of context like O'Keefe and Beck do, they merely play unedited segments of Beck's programming. O'Keefe/Beck and MM are not two sides of the same coin, to assume as much is a serious error.

'Everyone' at MM is employed to review all media bias, not just Glenn Beck. Beck imagined it was mostly all about him and you made the same assumption as well. He also made the error that 'it takes more work to tell the truth than it does to spread lies.' It's the exact opposite: it's easier to spread lies and misinformation than it is to retort them with truth. The campaign to deny AGW is the most relevant example.

13 Kronocide  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 2:29:25pm

re: #12 BigPapa

It's the exact opposite: it's easier to spread lies and misinformation than it is to retort them with truth. The campaign to deny AGW is the most relevant example.

Yeesh, I mistyped. I should have said 'It's the opposite meaning.'

14 bratwurst  Thu, Mar 24, 2011 5:37:58pm

re: #11 Buck

It is funny, but when O'Keefe says he is using the persons own words, you are the first to shout "Edited video", and "Biased".

MM actually does that everyday. Editing and quoting out of context the "persons own words".

The only difference is that you give the NPR guy, or the ACORN person the benefit of the doubt.

What a joke. How much of Beck's show would I have to hear in order for the comparison between Reform Judaism and radical Muslims to be "in context"? Two hours? 10 hours? His entire career going back to when he did his wacky morning show with the chimp sidekick?

Have you ever thought about how much free time you would gain if you stopped engaging in "tu quoque" arguments here?

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